Serving Hohenwald, Lewis County Tennessee Since 1898

One Day At A Time

Series: One day at a time | Story 44

Well it is a cool morning here in our little valley but it is not cold. We had a little heat going but we didn’t need a lot, just enough to take the chill out of the house.

The cats were ready to eat breakfast early. I took my coffee and I sat in the rocking chair on the front porch while they ate their breakfast.

Bob is washing breakfast dishes. He does a good job and leaves the kitchen spotless. I have to brag on him just a little because since I told ya’ll that he washes the dishes some of you ladies have bragged on him, ha, ha.

We have been having some warm days and some cold days but soon we will be into spring and then all the days will be warm and I am ready for them. We will get to start washing windows and doing spring cleaning and after this long winter that we’ve had, it seems that everything needs cleaning.

Hey, thank ya’ll for all the calls and cards that I have been getting lately. I am so glad you like my ramblings, I know I repeat myself a lot but that is just me. Thank you all for the encouraging words and especially thank you to Elaine for the sweet call and I am going to keep writing.

It is almost lunchtime and we are having a big pot of cabbage and a skillet of fried potatoes and some brown cornbread with a pot of white beans. Callie, are you hungry yet?

I have got my canning jars all ready to start canning when the garden vegetables start coming in. Canning is a little hard but it sure is worth it. Canned vegetables from the garden taste a lot better out of the jar than the ones out of a can from the store, plus the grocery prices are still going up and up.

We were out the other day and it seems the gas prices have stopped going up every day and even went down a little bit. When the gas prices get so high we just have to stop going as much. We are trying to get everything done in one trip when we can.

When we were out the other day on the Columbia Highway we saw a Bald Eagle, it was flying low and right over us. I don’t think I have ever seen one that close and flying that low. We could see it real clear, it was flying right over the highway going east, it was amazing.

Around us there is still a lot of trouble and sadness and sickness going on and my heart goes out to those people over in Ukraine. Especially the elderly and little children that can’t help themselves, they don’t have a good warm bed or enough food, their homes are being destroyed right before their eyes and they are losing family and loved ones. But over there I also see real men and women that are standing up to fight, and it makes me think of the fight between David and Goliath in the Bible. David didn’t have much to work with, just a few little rocks and a sling, and he wasn’t a big man and he was going up against a giant. But because David had God on his side, he didn’t need much else. As I saw those people sending their family away to safety and I saw their tears, I also saw those people, standing big and tall, standing up for their country and what is right and freedom. I thought about our country, I thought about how blessed we are and our freedoms, for now anyways. So I know I have to pray more, and down on my knees, and not just a quick little short prayer.

When peoples freedoms are at risk it is hard not to worry about our freedoms and our tomorrows, but I am going to try and I will take one day at a time, because I know God still has everything under control and He is the light at the end of the tunnel.

God Bless


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