Serving Hohenwald, Lewis County Tennessee Since 1898

One Day at a Time

Series: One day at a time | Story 63

Well it is another quiet and peaceful morning here in our little valley, a little breeze is blowing and there is a few dark clouds back to the west. Sure would be nice to get a little shower of rain. There is a few birds here in the front yard. I sure enjoy my quiet time here on the front porch and it seems my cup of coffee always taste better when I drink it while sitting on the front porch swing. I think the cats enjoy the front porch as much as I do.

Here it is August and kids are back in school and I think most peoples gardens are almost gone. I have talked to a few gardeners and they said their gardens did good even with the dry and hot weather. Some were able to can up some vegetables and put some in the freezer too. I put up some this year but not as much as I would have liked to. Ever little bit will help with the cost of living like it is. Most of us older people can make do but it is the younger ones that have it a little harder.

We were out yesterday running errands and noticed that the gas price is still going down a little, maybe it will continue. I guess when it was over four dollars a gallon it was really hard on people that was having to drive very far to work every day. I think groups of people used to ride together to work, I think they called it car pooling, but I do not think they like doing that anymore.

I went to the mailbox yesterday and there were morning glories blooming along the side of the road, that made me think of early fall, I know we are still in the middle of summer but I sure am looking forward to some cooler weather.

It has been a busy week, I have got a lot done. Bob is doing better and is going to physical therapy twice a week and that sure is helping. All the sweet people at physical therapy sure do encourage him. Thank you all for taking care of us.

Don’t know what we would do without all of you and Doctor Kamal and all the staff there. You all do not have to tell us that you love us, we know you do because it shows. You know I am so glad to live in a town where people care about one another and will help when ever they see a need. Here we can call on one another at anytime for help, now that is something the world needs more of. Lets all pray for each other and stay close in these hard times.

I guess you all are getting tired of this old woman’s ramblings and I know I have to get busy, I have got a lot to do today and it is beginning to warm up out here on the front porch, it doesn’t look like we are going to get a shower this morning after all because the sun is now shinning and all the dark clouds have disappeared.

I am looking forward to this day and I am not going to worry about tomorrow and I am going to take one day at a time because God still has everything under control and He is the light at the end of the tunnel.

God bless


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