Serving Hohenwald, Lewis County Tennessee Since 1898

Gordonsburg/Little Swan News

Series: Gordonsburg | Story 123

By Dorothy Warf,

Contributing Writer

Once again, we are having weather suited to the season of fall nearing winter, the weather people forecast for next week cold temperatures and more rain on some days. We have had rain scattered around for the last few days and it will come and go from time to time. The leaves have been falling by the wagon loads as some have said, you can rake, mow, or blow them away and the next day they are back, it will soon be time that they will all be off the trees and then maybe we can get them all moved from the yard. The rain along with time change has brought some dismal days to our area.

Those I know of who are sick either at home, in nursing facilities or in the hospitals are: Connie Bonner, L C Bowen, Timmy Bennett, Bobby Carroll, Dorothy Carroll, Kathleen Carroll, Madison Chappell, Spencer Clark, Fada Clay, Robert Dickson, Jerry Edwards, Colleen Farr, Wilburn Franks, Callie Garrison, Malcolm George, Ophelia Green, Calvin Harris, Alice Hinson, Shirley Howe, Leon Hunter, Monette King, Bruce Ligon, Sherry Love, Claire Elizabeth Mayberry, Linda Mercer, Helen McCann, Mike McCann, Howard Miller, Jackie McFall, Diann O’Guin, Lonnie Odom, Rocco Pierce, Pam Pullman, Hattie Roberts, Mona Runions, Russell Runions, Vera Runions, Roy Sharp, Joe Ship, Vickie Skelton, Jim Walker, Sharon White, Diane Williams, and Annette Williams. Remember these in your daily prayers that they might be better and for any others that need prayers. Several of Monica Dupont’s family has had the flu and unable to be out, we hope they are better and will soon be recovered.

We wish a happy birthday Gavin Bates the 9th, Emily Clayton the 13th, Blant Mayes, Tanner Carroll, Angela Odom and Dot Kauffman the 14th, Daryl Mercer and Pam Carroll t5he 15th, Koty Roberson, Amada Foster, and Shelia Plunkett the 19th. Wishing for these a very happy birthday and many more years to celebrate life.

Prayers for all those who have lost loved ones this past week that I know of Shelia Marie Ryan Kleinsmith, William Timothy Tidwell, Toby Lee Jenkins, Glory Janell Heymans, Sharon Denise Underhill, Mary Helen Reeves, Robert “Bobby” Brown Claud and Johnny Starling. Prayers for all these families and any others about which we may not know.

If you missed early voting I hope you still plan to go out and vote for those who you think will be the best choice for the office, they seek in our nation. The privilege of voting for our choice is the only way we have a say in what goes on in our country.

It is getting time that some of the hunting seasons will be open, and many will be out trying to find a good trophy, but some will simply be looking for some meat to put on the table and much of the wild meat is really good and very tasty. We are blessed with many types of animals in our area that can be hunted and are good for food. I love deer jerky and steak cooked with gravy and served with other foods that go along with it.

Prayers for all the families who are sick and shut-in at this time that they may soon be able to be home and enjoy the family around them. Prayers for health and happiness for all those who are like myself land getting up in years, we don’t fare as well with the cold weather and all the dampness.

Children are getting excited that it is getting close to Christmas, yes even more than a full month away and they are still making their wish list. Our nation has been so blessed and we need to be thankful for all we have an pray for the countries that are less fortunate.


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