Serving Hohenwald, Lewis County Tennessee Since 1898


Series: Gordonsburg | Story 131

By Dorothy Warf,

Contributing Writer

Still having lots of rain showers in the area and we should never complain about the rain because it will surely be dry someday. Our temperatures have been like usual for the winter months days in the fifties and sixties for most part and the nights twenties or thirties and some days it did not even get above fifty. Someone said the other day that many say if you want to experience all four seasons of weather just come to Tennessee and spend a few days, well we have all heard that, but it is about the truth. Ground Hog Day is coming up so maybe we will know more after that. HaHa.

Those I know of who are sick either at home, in nursing facilities or in the hospitals are: Casey Baker, Tony Barber, Donnie Carroll, Dorothy Carroll, Kathleen Carroll, Madison Chappell, Spencer Clark, Peggy Cook, Robert Dickson, Callie Garrison, Verlyn George, Ophelia Green, Calvin Harris, Shirley Howe, Leon Hunter, Monette King, Sherry Love, Claire Elizabeth Mayberry, Linda Mercer, Helen McCann, Doug Miller, Howard Miller, Jackie McFall, Carla Murphy, Lonnie Odom, Joy Orman, Roger Pace, Debbie Pierce, Robert, Jarrod Reagan, Russell Runions, T R Runions, Roy Sharp, Vickie Skelton, Jim Walker, Sharon White, Diane Williams, and Annette Williams. Remember these in your daily prayers that they might be better and for any others that need prayers.

We wish a happy birthday Sherry Clayton the 4th, Lee Carroll and Wendy Runions the 6th, Jeremy Odom the 7th, and Shasta Carroll the 9th, wishing for these a very happy birthday and many more years to celebrate life.

Prayers for all those who have lost loved ones this past week that I know Robert Ogden, Ramona “MawMaw” Runions, Cherie Lynn Wright, Marvin Wayne Truet, Tuanya Lee Brumley, Ronald Lee Willis, Ruby Mae Odom, Edwinter Lanny Myles, and Glenda Kaye Mitchell. Prayers for all these families and any others about which we may not know.

This Saturday will be a busy day for Girl Scouts as our cookies will be delivered and when the leaders get them all separated we will need the parents to pick them up so they can be delivered as soon as possible because if it gets hot the chocolate ones will melt. So if you have girl scouts please check with your leader to see what time they think you will receive a call. Thanks for all the help with the sale.

Prayers for you and your family and hope that you all have a great week and are able to be healthy and have a great time with your family and friends. We all need to interact with our family and friends this helps us keep in touch with each other. Have a great week and stay warm and dry.


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