Serving Hohenwald, Lewis County Tennessee Since 1898

One Day at a Time

Series: One day at a time | Story 90

By “E.T. Trevathan,

Contributing Writer

Well it is a very pretty morning here in our little valley, the trees and the grass is beginning to green out, the sky is really blue, and it is quiet and everything is still, it is the calm after the storm.

The cats were hungry this morning, they had a bowl of warm milk with their breakfast, it was cool this morning and they really like that warm milk, they are enjoying the warm sunshine now.

Bob has got my kitchen all spotless clean, for breakfast this morning he had gravy with his brown biscuits, he does not get gravy every morning but I treat him every once in a while, he deserve it.

Well it is sad around here, our tom cat, the one who we have had a long time and was like part of the family went away somewhere, we saw him on Valentine Day and that was the last time we saw him, he occasionally went and visited the cats that live in the houses around us but he would never be gone for more than just a few days, and that afternoon after he left we heard gunshots, we have had all of our female cats fixed. When he would come to the house he would come to the back window and knock on the window and we would let him in, he would always come to us for hug, he would want me to kiss him on the head and he would gently pat Bobby on the face and he would go to Bob for a pat and then he was ready to eat and take a nap. We sure do miss him. We still watch the back window and wish somehow, someway, that he will still come home, but oh well...

Well I hope the high winds we had last week did not do any damage to you all. We had a lot of small branches down all over the yard. Bobby worked most of the day picking up and cleaning things up. That was the worse wind I have ever seen. Everybody that has cellars and basements were probably ready to go into them. We were doing a lot of praying. The blooms on the bradford pear trees were blowing off and they looked like snow flakes in the air and the ground was getting white with them. The way all the trees, even the big oak trees, were swaying back and forth it looked like they were get ready to fall. Our power went out and it stayed out for about four hours, we had just finished lunch and I was so glad that I was through with my cooking. You know we do not realize how much we depend on something until we do not have it, even though I knew the power was out I still found myself reaching for the light switch several times. I am thankful that we did not get any serious damage and I feel sorry for the ones that had a lot of damage or lost love ones.

Well it looks like March did come in like a roaring lion so maybe the worst is behind us and maybe we will have an early spring. Our peach trees are so pretty, they are covered with blooms. Maybe we will not have a late frost. I have some empty canning jars and I am ready to start filling them up.

I heard the old John Deere tractor and saw the neighbor hauling hay from storage to feed his cows, I do not think he has very many bales of hay left down by the creek, but I noticed that his pastures are getting green and I saw his cows grazing, they really enjoy that new green grass, the way time goes by it will not be long before hay cutting time once again.

I am not going to worry about tomorrow and I am going to take one day at a time because God still has it all under control and He is the light at the end of the tunnel.

God bless


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