Serving Hohenwald, Lewis County Tennessee Since 1898

One day at a time

Series: One day at a time | Story 92

By Evelyn “E.T.” Trevathan

Contributing Writer

Well I am writing this on the 19th and it is the last day of winter and it sure is a cold late winters morning here in our little valley. It is 19 degrees here on our front porch this morning and snow flurries are falling and here it is the middle of march.

Spring is beginning this week and we are having snow, but the house is nice and warm, the old wood heating stove is doing a good job. Bob has got the kitchen clean and I am having my coffee.

The cats were not in a hurry to get up this morning. I checked in on them and they were still in their warm beds and covered up with their blankets, they do not like the cold, not one bit.

I think we are all looking forward to having warm days and some sunshine and seeing the flowers blooming, I know I am.

We had a little excitement this past week, I had a little health issue and had to go to the ER at Maury Regional, but it turned out not to be really too bad serious, but let me tell you all we have got a great group of medical professionals on duty right here in our home town. They took the best care of me and all our doctors, nurses and all our medical staff at our local clinic and ambulance service rate a 10 out of 10 to me, they are the best. Thanks to all of you and I love ya’ll. I am doing better now.

I am looking forward to getting some spring cleaning done. I have got to get the windows washed, that is one of the first things on our to do list. Bobby has got most of the sticks and branches off the yard, with all this crazy wind and weather it seems like that it is a daily thing that has to be done now. The grass is getting greener and the fruit trees were all blooming out, I hope all the frosting and freezing did not get the fruit but it looks like they are all turning brown, oh well we may not have any apples this year from the old apple tree, but last year I was able to can and put back a few jars of apple butter and I put a few bags of apples in the freezer for making pies or maybe just for frying them up a skillet, they are so good any way you fix them.

We were out the other day running errands and trying to get things done before the weather changed again, and saw a lot of trees starting to green out and saw the yards getting green and saw a few people out mowing all ready, it will soon be mowing season and everybody will have to be getting their lawn mowers ready and be out working in their yards.

Bobby was going by the airport last week and saw a very large eagle flying really low around the tree tops and just above the highway. We have been seeing a lot more than normal of turkeys, buzzards and large crows. I have also in the mornings been seeing some squirrels and hearing doves calling, it seems everything is ready for springtime to be here.

I am looking forward to all the gardens coming in and canning season. We have emptied a lot of canned vegetables and now have a lot of empty jars to fill back up, they sure were good during those cold wintry days to open them up and those canned vegetables tasted just like they were fresh out of the garden, you sure can not buy that in a store.

I have finished my baby quilts and have got them hemmed. I am ready for some springtime craft shows, I really like doing those little shows.

Today for lunch we are going to have a big pot of vegetables with some ground beef and pasta and a pan of good brown cornbread and of course some of MaEvelyn’s sweet iced tea. After I get everything cooked I am going to set it on top of the old wood heating stove to keep it warm until lunchtime, this may be the last time this year I get to do that.

I am not going to worry about tomorrow and I am going to take one day at a time because God still has it all under control and He is the light at the end of the tunnel.

God bless


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