Serving Hohenwald, Lewis County Tennessee Since 1898

Gordonsburg/Little Swan News

By Dorothy Warf

Series: Gordonsburg | Story 144

We are still having showers in the form of thunderstorms during the week and weekend, but the weather overall has still been like summer and the temperatures have been in the eighties and at night in the sixties. I for one am enjoying this weather and hopefully it will stay around for a while.

Those I know of who are sick either at home, in nursing facilities or in the hospitals are: Joyce Barnes, Colene Beasley, Gertie Carroll, Kathleen Carroll, Spencer Clark, Peggy Cook, Pat Dickson, Callie Garrison, Ophelia Green, Carolyn Hargrave, Calvin Harris, Shirley Howe, Monette King, Claire Elizabeth Mayberry, Doug Miller, Howard Miller, Jackie McFall, Carla Murphy, Lonnie Odom, Joy Orman, Roger Pace, Debbie Pierce, Mike Runions, Russell Runions, T R Runions, Boyce Sims, Johnnie Faye Skelton, Terry Stutts, Jeff Tatum, Diane Williams, and Annette Williams. Remember these in your daily prayers that they might be better and for any others that need prayers.

We wish a happy birthday to Scott Atkinson, Alex Chevy Collins and Lois Bennett the 26th, Darrin Garner and Diane Lomax on June 1st. We wish for these a very happy birthday and many more years to celebrate life.

Happy anniversary to Jonathan and Shelly Owen May 26th, to Keith and Chanda Reeves the 27th, we wish for these couples a very happy anniversary and many more years to celebrate life together.

Prayers for all those who have lost loved ones this past week. These are the ones I know about David Leslie Reeves and Donald Lee Kebler. Prayers for all these families and any others about which we may not know.

Remember the Homecoming at Palestine Cemetery in Lewis County this Sunday at 2 pm. It takes all of us working together to keep the cemetery in good condition, so come out and help with your donation or send it to Regions Bank either in Hohenwald or anywhere there is a branch.

Children are out of school, and some are happy and some are not, this is always true for many children feel isolated when they are not with friends at school. Please remember that they may be a little careless so be careful and keep an eye out for them.

The Lewis County Historical Society will meet on June 5th, at the Senior Citizen Building at 6 pm, make plans to attend.

Wishing for all of you a safe and happy Memorial Day weekend and remember all those who gave their life to protect our country and give us the freedoms that we enjoy in our lives.

Prayers that your family will have a great week and be blessed with health and happiness and don’t forget those who are shut-in and cannot be out and call, visit or send a card to let them know you are thinking about them.


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