Serving Hohenwald, Lewis County Tennessee Since 1898

One Day at a Time

Series: One day at a time | Story 109

Well it is a very quiet morning here in our little valley, there is a little breeze blowing here on the front porch but I can already feel the heat and humidity in the air, it is going to be another very hot day.

The cats came up early for breakfast and they are laying here on the porch and enjoying the little breeze, soon they will go to their cool places for the day, they do not like this heat. Bob keeps plenty of water out in different places for the cats to drink.

The hummingbirds are really busy at their feeders, Bobby filled their feeders again this week and he keeps the feeders hanging in shaded areas so that they will not get too hot. There are more hummingbird here than there have been over the last few years and they seem to empty their feeders in just a few days.

Everything is very still and quiet, it has been that way over the last few days, seems no people or animals want to be out in the heat. Only the hummingbirds and the male cicadas in the trees are the only things make any noise. I am only able to sit out on the front porch swing for a little bit in the mornings, there is not even much traffic on the road, it is very quiet.

You know I do not think I have ever seen weather like this, I know that we have had hot summers before but there just seems to be an uneasiness everywhere and with everything, it may just be me, I do not even watch the news on TV anymore because all you here and see is bad things happening everywhere. I think God is trying to tell us something and we are not listening, I know these days I am praying more.

We were out running errands and getting groceries and getting everything done as early as we could while we were out. While we were in line to checkout at the grocery store I saw a young family, a mom with three small children along with their granny, the grandmother was helping them check out, they did not buy any junk food and all they had was just the basic necessities. Where is this world going with people struggling just to get by, people can not try to get ahead anymore, they are just trying to make it through the day.

Bob has got the kitchen clean and now he has come out here with me on the front porch. I do not know how much longer we can sit out here, the little breeze that is blowing is getting warmer and warmer by the minute. In the house I have got all the blinds lowered and closed, and on some of the windows I have covers over them to block out the sun and that helps keep the heat out a little longer, if I turn the air conditioner on early in the mornings and set it on low speed then it is easier to keep the house cool than it is to wait until the house gets hot.

I have not been seeing the deer that has been eating the apples from under the old apple tree in the yard, and I have never seen this before but the other day Bobby pointed out that there are crows in the apple tree pecking at and eating the apples until the apples fall off, the crows are finishing off the apples.

The cats are still napping here on the porch, Bob just gave them some fresh water, they sure do get thirsty when it is this hot. After a few rains there was a little water flowing in the creek but now it is dry once again.

I am not going to worry about tomorrow and I am going to take one day at a time because God still has it all under control and He is the light at the end of the tunnel.

God bless.


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