Serving Hohenwald, Lewis County Tennessee Since 1898

Gordonsburg/ Little Swan News

Series: Gordonsburg | Story 111

We still had some thundershowers and rain early last week but then the temperatures dropped at night and have been in the sixties during the early morning although during the day it still was in the eighties. The rain that we had has been really good for all growing things and helped to clear the air to help those with breathing problems, I for one appreciate that.

Those I know of who are sick either at home, in nursing facilities or in the hospitals are: Connie Bonner, L C Bowen, Dorothy Carroll, Kathleen Carroll, Madison Chappell, Spencer Clark, Fada Clay, Wilburn Franks, Calvin Harris, Martha Hensley, Jim Holloway, Wayne Holloway, Shirley Howe, Monette King, Bruce Ligon, Claire Elizabeth Mayberry, Linda Mercer, Greg McCann, Helen McCann, Mike McCann, Howard Miller, Jackie McFall, Betty Odom, Lonnie Odom, Pam Pullman, Colene Rasbury, Hattie Roberts, Mona Runions, Roy Sharp, Joe Ship, Vickie Skelton, Nell Skelton, Cameron Tripp, Jim Walker, and Annette Williams. Please pray for these in your daily prayers that they might be better and for any others that need prayers. Remember also in your prayers those in areas where there are wars and daily fear for themselves and their families and the soldiers that are stationed there.

We wish a happy Kathlene Carroll the 20th, Renee Bates, Amanda Odom, Gary Beard and Adam Clayton the 21st, Todd Graham, Florine Johnston and Whitney King the 22nd, Bratcher Clayton and Bendi Barnes the 24th, and Debbie Pierce the 25th. Wishing for these a very happy birthday and many more years to celebrate life.

Prayers for all those who have lost loved ones this past week that I know of Paul Louis Bansbach, Scott Sherieff Sowell Collier, Heather Michelle (Litton) Dean, Thomas Edward Stoltz and Danny Everett Kophart. Prayers for all these families and any others about which we may not know.

The Lewis County Historical Society will be having a meeting and picnic on August 18, 2022, make your plans to attend. It will be held at the Grinder’s cabin located by Meriwether Lewis’s monument in the park at trace entrance. Time will be 6 pm and bring a chair and your supper. We will be celebrating Lewis’s birthday and will have a guest speaker who will be sharing information on the wall he built which represents all the steps his mother walked on the trail of tears. Come and learn about this and help celebrate Lewis’s birthday.

People have been seeing lots of snakes around the area and some of them being poison, like rattlesnakes and others, not sure why they are moving so much at this time unless it has to do with all the rain we have had. If you are out in wooded or weedy areas, please be careful and be sure children are not out around areas they might be hiding in.

We had a great event in our town last week with the presentation of the new elephant stamp and there were several visitors in town during the ceremony and afterwards. You can now purchase them at the local post office if you would like some.

Wishing that you and your family will have health and happiness during the coming weeks and months. Don’t forget those who are shut-in or sick and cannot get out and visit if you can and if not send cards or make a phone call. This lets them know that someone thinks about them.


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