Serving Hohenwald, Lewis County Tennessee Since 1898


Series: Gordonsburg | Story 134

By Dorothy Warf

Contributing Writer

Many of the animals and birds seem to think it is springtime, I hope they are right but sometimes seem that the temperatures in Tennessee confuse animals and people, last week we had two days with temperatures in the upper seventies and low eighties but then days when it was not above forty-eight all day long. The frogs have been singing some in the evening and even the birds sing in the morning like it is spring. Some of the dedicated gardeners have gotten plots ready for planting. The fruit trees and many shrubs are blooming, and you can smell the blooms when around them. Maybe spring is getting close anyway.

Those I know of who are sick either at home, in nursing facilities or in the hospitals are: Casey Baker, Joyce Barnes, Larry Bates, Colene Beasley, Elizabeth Boggs, Dorothy Carroll, Kathleen Carroll, Madison Chappell, Spencer Clark, Peggy Cook, Robert and Pat Dickson, Verlin George, Ophelia Green, Calvin Harris, Shirley Howe, Monette King, Sherry Love, Claire Elizabeth Mayberry, Helen McCann, Doug Miller, Howard Miller, Jackie McFall, Carla Murphy, Lonnie Odom, Joy Orman, Roger Pace, Debbie Pierce, Jarrod Reagan, Russell Runions, T R Runions, Peggy Sims, Johnnie Faye Skelton, Sharon White, Diane Williams, and Annette Williams. Remember these in your daily prayers that they might be better and for any others that need prayers.

We wish a happy birthday Marsha Runions and Alice Hinson the 4th, Roque Hammack and Neci Baker he 6th, Jackie Holt he 7th, and Donna Hinson the 8th, wishing for these a very happy birthday and many more years to celebrate life.

Prayers for all those who have lost loved ones this past week that I know Carolyn Schumaker, Wanda Polston, Diana Quillen, Dorothy Brown, Kenneth Crowe, Tamara Swaw, Lee Elton Morgan, Brenda Sue Pitman, Renita Joan Tenry, and Horace Ligon Jr.. Prayers for all these families and any others about which we may not know.

The Lewis County Historical Society will be meeting on March 6, 2023 at 6 pm at the Senior Citizen facility across from Hardees, our subject for this meeting will be the older schools in Lewis County. Any information you might have on the county schools located at Garrett, Palestine, Gordonsburg, Kimmins and other places would be a great asset to our meeting. Please come and join us in this venture and remember there was once a school in some part of the Senior Citizen building.

I hope your family has a great week and hopefully the weather will be warmer so we can get out some and enjoy all the blooming flowers and shrubs and the singing of the birds who have joined us for another year. May you have health and happiness in your life and remember those who are less fortunate and help where you can, a call, visit or card would be appreciated.


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